Friday, September 11, 2015

Canning Pasta Sauce

Recipe: Canned Spaghetti Sauce

8 pounds *tomatoes 
4 tbs olive oil
6 cloves garlic diced
3/4 cup red wine
1/3 cup wine Vinegar
2/3 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup lemon juice (this thickens your sauce)
1/4 cup lime juice
3 tsp Italian seasonings
1/4 cup fresh parsley chopped
1/4 cup sage chopped
1/8 cup thyme chopped
1/4 cup oregano
1/4 cup fresh basil chopped
1 tbs maple syrup
1 tbs salt (after cooking salt to taste)
pepper to taste

Add-ins: green pepper, mushrooms, shallots

*you can blanch and skin tomatoes before adding (place tomatoes in sink, pour boiling water over them, soak until you can safely handle, the skins should pull right off when sliced open). 
This time I chose not to, for more pep and a thicker sauce!

Heat oil and add garlic. Sauté lightly, add vinegars, wine, and spices

Add the tomatoes. Bring to boil. Simmer for 60 minutes or until desired consistency. Cool and blend using blender to smooth sauce. For a chunky sauce add chopped vegetables (add-ins) into sauce after blending.

Can while sauce is hot (temperature-wise)
Jars need to be hot also. This is accomplished by setting a cake pan with hot water in it on the stove top. Place your jars in the water and turn on low heat.

Once jars are hot (and sauce), ladle sauce into the jars. Fill leaving an 1" head space. Wipe off tops, place lid and ring on top, tighten, and place in hot water bath for 40 minutes. Start your timer once the water is boiling. 

Remove jars from water, place upside down on a towel and cover with another towel, until cool.

Tada! Sounds easy doesn't it! Well that's because it is!

Shout out to my niece Katrina who recently jarred her own peaches!

May you find some saucy comfort in your life!
P.S. Have you checked out my Etsy store yet? Find saucy items made just for you here!

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