Friday, August 7, 2015

Quilted Table Cloth Part I

A two part series on my newest project: Quilted Table Cloth.

Quilting is one of those skills that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. I love seeing everyone's work, especially since I know how much effort goes into it. I have a collection of quilt projects that I have started, some I've inherited from grandmas and others that I've started myself but failed to finish. Enough is enough, it's time to see one project to the end.

  As a housewarming gift I received some fabric from fellow quilters (thanks Debbie and Ruth!) and since I am like any other average crafter it didn't take much effort to find matching fabrics in my personal stockpile. In case you're curious the oranges print was the gift; the others I've collected over the years - I generally buy them when they're on sale with the idea that I can find something to use them for. Of course that theory has proved wrong time and time again, hence the started but not finished projects overflowing my craft baskets.

Most of the time I don't follow a pattern, I just start putting shapes together until they look right to me - which usually looks right to other people!

Stay tuned for part II!

May you find comfort in your life (and perhaps patience if you're really excited to see the end product!)

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