Friday, October 2, 2015

All about Three Comforts

As a child I always enjoyed creating new things for myself but once I hit motherhood I spent more time thinking of ideas and less time turning those ideas into creations. Now that my daughter has grown into a beautiful young woman, about to start a family of her own, I’ve rekindled my passion of creating products that are natural and homemade, for myself and for others.                                                                       

It's time I introduce you blog readers to me: creator and owner of Three Comforts. I'm in my early 50's and the proud mother of a wonderful woman who is married to a wonderful man. I'm sure every mom who's in the empty-nesting phase of their life will agree, it's still hard to believe that my little girl isn't 2 any more. I'm a home maker and crafter, I enjoy baking breads and candy making. 

I have a degree in Fashion Merchandising and Design, which helps in conceiving and executing my ideas. 

I enjoy sewing and painting, and find crocheting very relaxing. I find that I'm always looking for new crafts to try.

I enjoy natural living and making lotions, body scrubs, and body sprays that not only smell great but are good for you too. I'm one of those sensitive skin people and have tried a little bit of everything, personally, I like my own stuff best.

I started the venture of running my own business and chose the name Three Comforts. Three Comforts because life for me has always presented its comforts in 3’s: like a good book, with a glass of wine, sitting next to a roaring fireplace, or a get together with good friends, great food and a cup (or three) of good cheer. In keeping with my theme of threes I offer products for Beauty, Body, and Home.

Recently we moved across the country (from Stanwood, WA to Andover, MN) which added a whole new challenge to my business. As I have a wide range of products that I make, I’ve spent some time checking out the new market that Minnesota represents and have adapted my product line to suit Minnesotans. In designing my products the overall theme is comfort and my hope is that my products will bring you more comfort in your life. 

Thank you and may you find comfort in your life!

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