Saturday, July 4, 2015

Book cover

Oooh ahhh. The sacred hide.

A few months back my mom made a simple request: a new cover for her Bible made from the hide of a deer her father had hunted.

Strips cut for the cover pockets, button hole cut out.
Incredibly sentimental since the hide is really old and my grandfather is no longer living. This means whatever you do, don't mess it up - there's only so much hide to go around!

Found the right button at Hancock Fabrics 
The hardest part for me was finding a button for the closer that would work well. Stitching this soft leather was relatively easy. See the steps below!

I punched holes in the leather to start, then it was a matter of just stringing a leather thread through the pre-punched holes.

Threading leather string through the holes.

Use a piece of wood underneath the leather - safety first, also think of your work area - it probably doesn't need any extra holes, just the leather.

Using a hammer punch out the holes.
I plan on using the scraps to make baby moccasins. Shh! Don't tell
my daughter - she's a minimalist. Or, maybe, they aren't for my future grand babies. Either way, don't tell. Both projects are very practical and a great use of the leftover leather - repurposing a memory.

I'll be sure to post when I finally get around to the moccasins.

As always feel free to leave comments and questions below and may you find comfort in your life!

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