Friday, July 24, 2015

Vacation Time


This is something that I’ve struggled with and many other small business owners struggle with I'm sure. 
Should I put my Etsy shop vacation mode or should I just leave it open and let orders accumulate while I'm away? 
Moving and vacationing are hard on small businesses, especially the ones that are online, doing craft fairs, and selling at markets like I am! When your gone you are missing the opportunity to go to those markets and sell your items.

I've found that vacation mode for my Etsy shop takes the stress away for me. Its a give and take though because I don't have to worry about customers waiting around for me to fulfill their orders but then I don't have a stack of orders waiting for me to when I get back. I've found this great article below that helps me calm my qualms!

The Science Behind Vacations: Why we Need a Break

By  @ibtimes on 

Vacations are a time to relax, reflect, and regroup. This is a chance to unwind, regroup and take a step back to examine your life from a new place with a new perspective. Traveling, especially abroad or to a place we have never been before, allows us to temporarily leave our old life behind and adopt new customs, new ways of thinking and looking at the world that can crossover into our everyday lives. 
The great Pacific Northwest!

 Many people need the time and space away from what they experience every day in order to recognize harmful or self-destructive patterns in their life.  Another benefit to vacations is forcing yourself out of the daily rut that you have likely gotten into. Going to a new place can wake you up and shake up your sights, smells, tastes, and feelings. Experiencing all these new senses can help you to better appreciate the surroundings in your day to day life. Vacations can also help prevent burnout at home; by regularly taking time to relax, you can prevent that overworked, under-rested feeling you know too well.

So there. I need this vacation. 

Three Comforts is going into Vacation Mode July 21 through Aug 1st, but I'll be avidly posting photos on Facebook so catch me there!

May you find comfort in your travels and the rest of your life!

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