Friday, July 17, 2015

Postings Of the Past I

Women's Household
Recently I came across some old magazines that were my great grandmother Minnie Tyler's,  of course being the sentimental creature that I am I had to devout an entire afternoon to memory lane. I started thinking about this pre-computer form of Craig's list, or eBay that has been all but discarded in today's busy world. Magazines, with their "Help Exchange", "This and That", and "Handcrafts to Buy and Sell" sections, used to be the end all be all of communication boards.

Designed for women selling or looking for sewing and crafting items these pages contain the blogs of yesteryear. The Facebook posts of the past, and the tweets of olden days. Instead of computers they wrote letters in to this magazine who published them and then women around the world read them and felt connected to one another.

I thought it would be fun to re post some "Pet Peeves" from the January 1966 issue page 42

These are still true today.
From Mrs. Earl Bammes  In Wamego Kansas
Isn't it annoying to wait for another car when you are making a left turn, then have that car make a turn without signaling. You've been waiting for them for no reason at all.
From Mrs. Kae Jaworski  Chicago Ill
My pet peeve concerns those who ask for correspondents in the Tower Press publications and then expect the writer to pay the postage besides.

I look forward to sharing more from Women's Household in the future. You can find out more about Women's Household from these blogs:

World Press Sandy's Chatter "Before Email" 
Which actually talks most about WOMEN’S CIRCLE but mentions WOMEN'S HOUSEHOLD as well.

Or check out

A Hole in the a Head blog post from November 12 2006                                                          
A man's thoughts on a woman's magazine.

May you find comfort in your life!

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